Tuesday 31 July 2012

Japanese process and Kiwi process

I haven't told you that I am Japanese and I'm originally from Japan. However I have never done IVF in Japan. This time, I looked at a lot of Japanese IVF site to see how the IVF process takes place.

The way to do things is quite similar but they use a nose spray instead of Gonal F ( the injection which stops making eggs). It is good for people who hate doing injections by themselves, but the nose spray needs to be put into your nose every 8 hours. If you forget to do this, your body starts to make eggs.

Here in NZ, we use an injection, but we need to do this only one time per day.
I didn't like doing the injections by myself, but I'm sure I'll forget to put the spray into my nose every 8 hours, and I'll be in a panic!

I think I'm lucky to live in NZ, but it would be nice if we can choose injection or nose spray. 

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Understanding from my surroundings

One day after about one and a half month since I left hospital, my husband said to me that other pregnant ladies usually work during their pregnancy term. I was surprised that he said that to me.
Because he is the person who watched me all the time, so I thought he understood my situation.

At that time I think I looked fine on the outside but I still felt my stomach stretched and I still had bleeding. I felt dizzy even after only doing the dishes.
Plus, I had morning sickness.

However people who have never had these symptoms, never can understand.

Sometimes his parents and his friends invited us for tea or to go for coffee, I was glad to be invited, but I didn't want to go and I said " Can you go by yourself? " to my husband, but he always said that it is not OK, just to go by himself....
I didn't hate them, but I just didn't want to meet anyone at that time. My nerve and mind were still exhausted.
However it seems hard to understand even for the person who is always with me.

And I felt guilty about keeping refusing to go.

A few weeks later, his parents asked us to come for tea again and we went to their place. After we had tea, my husband went to watch TV.  It's OK for him because it is his parents house but not for me.
I asked him to help to do the dishes, he said OK reluctantly.
When I started doing the dishes, he was still watching TV and I made a sign with my eyes to him.

" I"M COMING!! " he shouted.

I wanted to cry. It looked like that I forced him to do the dishes and I looked like an evil and lazy wife.
I felt dizzy and sick when I was doing the dishes but I had to keep smiling in front of his parents.
I hate think this way and I felt guilty, but I couldn't control my mind and it is very difficult that no one understood me.

I think for people who are having depression, their greatest cure is understanding from people who are surrounding them.

However please do not get me wrong.
I love my husband and his parents. My husband helps me a lot now.
I just want to say, there are some things that sometimes even the closest people find hard to understand.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Pimples and body hair

I am 37 years old now, but I still always had 2~3 pimples on my face. My face skin type is very oily.
And also my body was hairy. When I was a teenager, it troubled me especially in summer time.
I think I have a lot of male hormones. It was said that my character is like a man often.

I think some people will realize that I wrote these above sentences in the past tense.
Since I got pregnant, I don't have any pimples on my face and the surface of skin is always smooth.
I read from a book, as soon as we become pregnant, our skin starts to get extra blood flow. This can make our skin get very blotchy and dry...... ha? I think my original skin is very oily, so my skin became a normal condition, and my pimples were gone.

After 5 months later since I got pregnant, my body hair ( arms, legs, face ) was reduced.
They don't grow much, but I still have a lot of head hair, eyebrows and eyelashes.

I think I got a lot of female hormones now.
I've heard that taking the pill makes us reduce pimples and body hair. If you taking the pill with the aim to reduce them, I think  it may take at least 5 months, especially with body hair.

Anyway, I am happy and enjoy having a face without pimples and a less hair body.
Thank you our baby!!       

Friday 2 March 2012

Bleeding and morning sickness

After a week, I still kept bleeding, it made me very nervous. I started to have morning sickness as well. ( My symptoms were having a lot of appetite and after eating a terrible taste would come up in my mouth all the time. I was only happy during eating. )

I kept bleeding for a total of 6 weeks and I went to take a womb scan every 2 weeks. I felt easier after they confirmed that our baby was still in my womb.
Every time the doctors cheered me up with the story of other pregnant ladies who had bled and gave birth to a healthy baby. The last photo of our scan, our baby got little legs and arms and it looked like a teddy bear. It was so cute!

At around this time, my body and mind felt exhausted all the time and I didn't want to meet people.
I always thought about food, I always thought about what should I have the next day before I go to sleep. Once I felt like having a certain food, I have to eat that to be satisfied.
When I had decided what I'll eat, I couldn't sleep for a while because I got too excited.
It is kind of scary, but I couldn't stop thinking of food.
It was like a mad love, Mr. Food and me......

I remember the cat at the farm. Before I got pregnant, I worked at a farm and there was a female cat which was pregnant.
One day at lunch time, I was going to eat meat and I held the meat between my fingers to shift it to my plate ( the farm provide us lunch ). And then the cat stole the meat using her paw from my hand, then ran away and started to eat it.
It was very quick and she looked like a mad cat. I thought at that time, what a bad behaved cat she is!!

However I know her feeling now. Maybe cats also have morning sickness and her condition and mine were the same. I am sorry for thinking that you are a bad and mad cat. Next time if I see you while you are pregnant, I'll give you some food.


Thursday 23 February 2012


About after two weeks since I left hospital, my stomach became small and my weight lost 11kg.
I still have 2kg more than usual and my stomach still felt a little stretched but , it will not disappear until I got the placenta.
It's OK, much better than 2 weeks ago. I can eat as much as I want now.
At around this time, I started bleeding a little. I looked it up on the internet, if it does not look like fresh blood and not a large quantity, just rest at home, don't be too worried.
At that time, my blood didn't look like fresh blood and it was like a half tea spoon. However my blood had become to look like fresh blood and had increased day by day. About a week later, I felt strong pain on my stomach during my sleep. I went to the toilet and it was like that I had started my period.
After the toilet, the toilet stool water became very red. I felt scared. I thought I had miscarried before I knew it and my period has started.

My husband woke up and came to me, then I told this to him, but it had started to snow heavily again.
It was at about 4:30am, I wondered if I can go to the fertility centre tomorrow......? Every time when it is heavy snow, something happens.

The next morning, it was still heavy snow and everything was covered with thick snow outside.
" Is the centre open? " I wondered. My husband phoned the centre and they were open. I felt easy a little and thought the staff in the centre are great workers!
My husband took me there and I took a womb scan. Our baby was still in my womb, it looked like a bean.
We could hear its heart beating as well. The doctor said that this heart beating is very nice and strong, our baby is fine. I felt very easy and I almost cried.

The doctor doesn't know the cause of this bleeding and he said that it will continue for a while.

I thought " Thank God. " and I prayed to God that please stop my bleeding as soon as possible!    

Friday 17 February 2012

A treatment for sensitive skin

Since I got OHSS, my skin has become very sensitive.
My forehead felt always hot and around my eyes felt very hot all the time. The water from shower felt stinging a little and even sun shine rays stung my skin a little.

I couldn't use usual toner and cream because they stung my face skin.
I remember The Body Shop's Aloe toner and cream were very mild on my skin and they are fragrance free. ( Fragrance made me feel sick at that time. )

I tried them and they were very good. They didn't sting the skin on my face and kept a nice amount moisture on my face.
I still using these items.

I recommend especially this toner. It won't sting.

Monday 13 February 2012

Injections again!

Before I left hospital, a nurse handed me an injection for 5 days. I had an injection to prevent thrombosis every afternoon and I had to do this for 5 days at home by myself.

The nurse asked me if I know how to do this.
" I think I know and I can do this. " I answered.

" Ahhh, I have to do an injection again...... I thought it's over. " I thought.
This injection has a thick and long needle and it has oil base liquid medicine, so it was painful. I felt it took a very long time over these 5 days, and I felt a great achievement when I finished the last injection!

However I thought that I never want to do this again.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Leaving hospital

The next day ( the 7th day in the hospital ), I lost 1kg!!
When I weighed myself, I said " Yeh! I lost 1kg! Yeh!! "in a loud voice in spite of myself.

Just before lunch time, a doctor came to me and said that my condition is going well so I can go back home today. I felt uneasy rather than happy, because my stomach was still like a balloon and I still felt poorly.
" Am I really OK to leave? " I thought.

About 10 minutes before I left, my husband's uncle came to see me, of course he didn't know I was leaving. Thank God that he came here before I left, because he brought me some pretty flowers. It would be a pity that when he came here with pretty flowers and nobody was here!

Anyway, I could leave hospital on this day.
Thank you very much to everyone who looked after me in the hospital, my husband, his parents and friends.
I think that I couldn't get over OHSS by myself.
I could get over it thanks to everyone.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Stopping the increase in my weight

The next day, ( the 6th day in the hospital ) my weight stopped increasing.
I was happy but I was still suffering. I had to take anti- biotic tablets from this day, because the water had come up to the level of my lungs and this will cause some disease.
I don't want to get another disease!

The water from the drip made my stomach like a balloon, but if I didn't have a drip, my blood would get thicker and thicker which can cause a very dangerous condition. there is nothing that can cure OHSS yet, so we just have to bear these hardships.......
I could take a walk a little during these days, but it was very slow walking.

I wish that someone can discover a method to cure OHSS in the near future.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Changing my appearance due to OHSS

After 5 days had past in the hospital, I put on a total of 13kg and my stomach looked like a balloon and I got some stretch marks. I asked my husband to buy a cream for stretch marks. I was only in 3 weeks of pregnancy at that time but my stomach looked in the last month of pregnancy already.

However I could eat only a little, so only my stomach looked like a balloon. My face, arms and fingers were getting thinner and thinner. My face had hollows around my eyes and my legs got thicker and swollen.

My figure looked like E.T. " I can be an E.T. role if someone wants. " I thought. " E.T. phone home...." practice it by myself.

" It's suffering and suffering. " I could only feel this all the time. A doctor from the fertility centre came to check on me in the afternoon. She tapped my back and said the water had come up to the level of my lungs, I should better stop having a fluid drip. Then I could be free from the drip.  

My daily routine in the hospital

At about 7:30am, I wake up. I usually hear some people already taking a shower at this time.
At about 7:45am, a lady brings me breakfast. After breakfast, I take a shower.
At about 9:30am, a nurse comes to take 3 tubes of my blood for a sample, ( everyday ) . Another nurse weighs me and measures my abdomen.
At about 10:00am, a lady comes to ask what do I want to eat for lunch. ( I can chose one from 2 menus. )

Then at 12:00pm, it's lunch time.

Around 2:00pm, a lady comes to serve tea or coffee and to ask what do I want to have for tea and the next day's break fast.
At approximately 4:30pm, I had to have an injection to prevent thrombosis.

At 5:30pm, it's tea time.

In the evening at 10:00pm, it's bed time.

A nurse comes to check my temperature and pulse every two hours. This was my ordinary daily routine in hospital.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

OHSS and staying in hospital

The next day in the hospital, my stomach got bigger and felt more stretched. It was getting hard to get off and up from the bed.
The nurse had to measure how much I drunk and the quantity of my urine. A big stainless bowl was set on the toilet stool, after I did toilets, a nurse measured my urine. At first, I felt ashamed but I got used to doing this soon. I had to bring my drip every time I go to the toilet. this drip worked with electric equipment, so I had to turn it off and unplug it each time. It was very annoying.
My stomach had got bigger and bigger day by day.

I couldn't keep wearing my comfy pants, because it made a rubber band mark deeply around my stomach. It wasn't comfy anymore. I wore a hospital's night gown that was printed with a lot of small " Hospital property " writing all over the gown. " I know. " I thought.
And I was wearing white tights under my night gown which looked like a prince somewhere in Europe wears.

From the third day in the hospital, I couldn't eat at all, I was afraid and refused to eat. Because as soon as I started to eat, my stomach's flesh or muscles felt so painful.
It was like a strong man is grabbing my stomach's flesh very strongly, and I felt that it is going to be torn off.
I lived on some protein drinks for 2days. Even drinking something made my stomach painful but  better than eating.

They offered me a protein drink everyday, because protein protects the water from leaking out of my blood, so I just had protein drinks.

On Thursday, when the doctors came to check me, I was told that I am pregnant. I burst out crying with joy.
All of the doctors ( four doctors. I think 3 of them were on training. ) said " Congratulations! " to me, and I couldn't stop crying for a while. My dream came true at last.

The next day, when the doctor came to check me, she said " I heard you don't eat at all. You have to eat. "
I thought " I have to eat? If you were having OHSS, you'll never say that !! ".
However, I'm pregnant now and I need to eat. I started and tried to eat little by little, but I could eat only a 1/4 of a dish or less. Every time I eat, I suffered with strong pain.   

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Having OHSS symptoms

Five days after the transfer, I felt my stomach became a little bigger than usual. Because my jeans became tight.
It was hard to keep sitting down while wearing jeans, and I felt my stomach stretch.

" Ahhh...., oh no, am I getting OHSS ? "

( If you want to know about OHSS, click here : ) 

And after three more days, I certainly felt my stomach stretch and I couldn't wear my usual jeans anymore.
I weighted myself and I put 2kg from my usual weight.

" I think I have OHSS. " I told this to my husband.
Then things became worse, my stomach felt more and more stretched and I couldn't stop eating pickles.
Suddenly I felt like eating pickles and I finished a bottle soon. Once I started to eat pickles, I couldn't stop.

" Am I pregnant ?? " I thought, but I felt more suffering than joy at that time. It was on a Sunday, I couldn't go to the fertility centre, but from late at that night, it started to snow very heavily.

The next day it was still snowing a lot and all the ground was covered by a lot of snow. " Is the fertility centre open ? " I wondered.
Fortunately, they were open and my husband's work was closed due to the snow. My husband took me to the centre, at that time I already couldn't walk properly.
They weighted me and took four tubes of my blood for testing samples.
" Take these bloods and go to the Women's hospital, and pack your stuff to stay in hospital. "
We went back home at once and packed my stuff, and went toward the Women's hospital.
Om the way to hospital, our car had a little slip a few times, I held my seat belt tight. My husband let me get off in front of the hospital and he wanted me to wait for him inside the hospital, but the car got stuck in the snow.
A lady who was there by chance helped me push our car. I was holding my bloods when I was pushing, I think it was really odd view. Everything was unusual on that day.
However I felt thank you to that lady.

I took a urine test and three doctors checked my stomach. Over an hour later I was told that I have to stay in hospital. I was taken to the room where I'll stay on a wheelchair. As I arrived at the room, a nurse put me in white tights on my legs for protection from swelling in my legs, and I had to have a drip in my left hand. It was a room for two, but there was only me there. There was my own bathroom in the room and a view from the window which was nice. I had my own TV on the wall and the bed bends up and down by remote.
After my husband left, I looked at the nice and snowy view from the window, and thought and wondered if I am pregnant and how long will I stay here ??

Friday 20 January 2012

The egg transfer day

The egg transfer day came at last.  It was on a Saturday, my husband will stay with me during the transfer.
Even if he will be just sitting on a chair and looking at the transfer, I felt that we were doing it together.

I changed to the same gown that I wore on egg pick up day and we were taken to the small operation room.
I sat on the same kind of sofa chair and parted my legs.

The doctor showed us the photo of our embryo on the TV screen on the wall and he said " this is a nice and healthy embryo. ", " Oh, is it? Good! " I thought.
A nurse brought a thin and long tube and I thought " Does this go into me? Oh, no, it looks painful...... "
The doctor started talk to my husband, I was nervous.
" It's done." the doctor said. " Ha? Really?? I didn't even feel the tube coming into me. " I thought, but I was happy to have done this mission.

After that, we went to the coffee shop in front of the fertility centre.
Our embryo is in my womb now. I felt half wonder and half happy.

Waiting for the egg transfer

After they picked up my eggs, my husband came to pick me up from the fertility centre to go to our house.

I lay down on the bed and my ovaries started to have a pain like pins and needles. I couldn't move from the bed.
I suffered with this pain and also bottom pain for a few days. They picked my eggs on the 11th July ,2011 on Monday and I'll have the egg transfer on Saturday. I had five days to the transfer day.
I had a blood test on Thursday and the result was normal. However my ovaries were still in a little pain.
I was directed to take Panadol and a lot of fluid by the fertility centre. On Friday, this pain had almost settled down and I felt relief a little, because the next day was the transfer day and I worried about having OHSS.

I looked up about OHSS through the internet, and I thought that I don't want to have OHSS.
I had a lot of the conditions for getting OHSS.

" Oh, please God. " I prayed in my mind.

Friday 13 January 2012

The day of egg pick up

While I was having injections, it was diagnosed that I made too many eggs.
According to the internet, the ideal numbers of eggs are 8 ~ 10, but my ovaries made over 20 eggs. What a hard worker my ovaries are! I'm proud of you!!

However, making too many eggs is not good for our body. It will cause OHSS, but it couldn't be helped. I already made them before I knew.

On the egg pick up day, I took a shower early in the morning. I wasn't allowed to put on any perfumes or fragrances. Because sometimes the strong perfume smell kills the eggs.
And I had to bring a panty shield, attached to my underwear, because I may have some spotting following the pick up. OK, I'm ready! My husband was also ready with his semen sample.

We went to the fertility centre before 8:00am. My husband had to go to his work, so I didn't have anybody with me during the picking up. " It's OK, I'm fine. " I thought.
After I said bye to my husband, I was taken to the small changing room. I had to take off all my lower body's clothes and wear a short gown like a hospital patient wears.
I took half a tablet of sleeping pills to relax. After I changed, a doctor came into this room and placed a needle into my left hand without the syringe and taped on it to hold.
Then I went to the operation room. I sat on a big sofa chair and I put my feet on the feet stands to part my legs. I had an anesthesia injection.
There were 4people in the operation room. One was a doctor to take my eggs, another two were nurses, and the last person, I don't know what one calls her, looked at a microscope each time my eggs came to her.
It wasn't painless while picking up the eggs. It was like a pierced needle pain, but not too much pain.

" you made too many eggs!! " the doctor said.
" Thank you for your hard work! " I thought.
I had 22 eggs taken, but still some eggs were left in my ovaries. It follows that I made about 30 eggs! Good job my ovaries!
I felt pain in my ovaries and anus, especially my anus.
After the operation, I was taken to a rest room on a wheelchair. It was only 3 ~ 4 meters from the operation room, but that's fine. I sat on a very comfy couch which I've never sat on before. A nurse put a really warm and nice duvet on me.

Right after the operation, I felt sick suddenly and I almost fainted. A nurse put 3 kinds of injections into my left hand very quickly and then I felt fine. I don't know what kind of injections but they were magic injections.

I rested for about half an hour on that couch.
I fell asleep a little. A nurse brought me a cup of coffee and a muffin. It was very nice. I wasn't allowed to have breakfast, so it was magnificent!

Thursday 12 January 2012

To make good quality eggs and sperm

While we are waiting for our IVF, what can we do? I thought that what we can do is to make good quality eggs and sperm.
I studied about this through the internet. I'll share you what I studied and what I actually did.

Women have about a million egg cells in our ovaries naturally. When we are having our period, some of them ( about 20 ) are stimulated by hormones and starting to mature, then the best quality egg is chosen and it will come out to the womb. The other eggs which weren't chosen will die off. This is because the eggs get old as we get old.

On the other hand, sperm is made all the time, so it is possible that a 90 year old man can make good quality sperm. However it'll take about 3 months to make grown sperm, and also egg cells take about 3 months to grow and mature, so we need at least for 3 months to make improvements to our body.

We can't increase our eggs number and there is no cure if the eggs have something wrong with them. The aim is to improve the environment in our body for the egg cells to grow and mature to a good quality.

<To make good quality eggs>

1. Warm up your body
The eggs contain a lot of mitochondria, it will be active in warm temperatures, if you have a bath tub taking a bath is a good idea but I don't have a bath tub, so I put my feet in the foot spa for 10 ~ 15 minutes in winter.
Every food can divided into two groups which are to warm your body up and to cool your body down.
ex :
The foods that warm you up are :
carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, garlic, ginger, apples, prunes, cherry, red wine, cheese, red meat, dried fruits, etc.

If you want to more detail, click here :


The foods that cool you down are :
tomatoes, cucumber eggplants, bananas, lemons, pineapple, watermelon, white bread, white rice, coffee, milk, coke, sugar, beer, whiskey, white wine, etc.

2. Fitness for your muscles
Your body temperature will go up by its self as your muscles get fitter.
Walking is good to exercise your muscles, it'll stimulate the circulation. Too much exercise is not good.
Take a walk for 40 ~ 60 minutes almost everyday and when you are walking, walk with long strides and large swings of your arms like power walking.  

3. Chose what you eat
Eggs need potassium, so take vegetables and fruits which contain lots of potassium.
ex : bananas, kiwi, avocado, spinach, potatoes, etc
Of course it is important to take vitamins, minerals, protein, etc. Taking them from food is the best but supplements help to take nutrition which are difficult to find. I took Folic acid tablets everyday for 2 years.
Remember too much sugar makes your blood flow bad.

If you want to know about more detail about food, click here:

4. Stress management and a regular life style
As you know stress harms your body, but it is difficult to get rid of all stress, so find your way to steam off to avoid harming your body. Walking is one of the ways to steam off, too.
Having a regular life style and a good nights sleep is also the way to recover from mental fatigue.

<To make good quality sperm >

  In general speaking, zinc is necessary to make good quality sperm, and Maca is also good for the sperm.
A doctor said stress is the worst thing to reduce the number of sperm.

Men are a different design from women. It is not a good idea to warm up their body especially the lower part, so it is not good to wear brief style underwear and taking a bath for a long time. Sperm will die in high temperatures.
One of my husband's friends works at a pharmacy, and he recommended " Menevit ".

The box and bottle.
This is the tablet.
This is for the improvement of sperm health. http://www.menevit.com.au/mens-health-pregnancy/the-mans-role-in-planning-pregnancy

On this stage, it is more important to make good quality sperm than to increase the number.

My husband took this and avoid taking a hot spa and sauna, and took our dog for a walk almost everyday for exercise.

IVF Short cycle schedule

<The first day of my period>
Day 1  Nothing
Day 2  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening
Day 3  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening
Day 4  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening
Day 5  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening
Day 6  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening

Day 7  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening and
            Injection of Cetrotide250 - once daily in the evening between

Day 8  Blood test & Scan  Get more injections and a call from the
            Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening and
            Injection of Cetrotide250 - once daily in the evening between

Day 9  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening and
            Injection of Cetrotide250 - once daily in the evening between

Day 10  Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening and
            Injection of Cetrotide250 - once daily in the evening between

Day 11 Blood test & Scan  A call from the nurse
           ( It was find that I made too many eggs. They counted over 20
            eggs. )
             Injection of GONAL F - once daily in the evening and 
            Injection of Cetrotide250 - once daily in the evening between

Day 12 A call from the nurse
             Injection of GONAL F ( 50iu ) and
             Injection for the maturing of the eggs at 8:30pm ( 36hours before
             egg collection )

Day 13 Nothing

Day 14   Egg pick up collection at 8:30am

Monday 9 January 2012

Explanation of the injections for IVF

The injection syringe that is thick and long and like a pen is GONAL F.

This looks like a pen, but it is an injection syringe.

Syringe and needles

We start with this injection. This injection's purpose is to hold natural ovulation.
This injection already contains liquid medicine for 6 days, you just turn to the dosage number that you were indicated to by your doctor.
Put in a new needle each time.

Turn the red dial to set the dose.

Pinch your stomach and pierce the injection.
Put the used needle into the waste box each time after you have finished.

This is Cetrotide 250.

The top side on the left is the needle, and right next to it is the powder medicine in the little bottle and the syringe contains the liquid medicine.

This injection has powder and liquid medicine. Just before you use this, mix them together. This has an instruction DVD.

Mix the powder and liquid medicine together.

Melt the powder medicine in the liquid.

Put it back into the syringe and push out the air gently.
Pinch your stomach and pierce the injection.

This injection's purpose is to grow the bag that contains your eggs. This injection's needle is thicker and longer than GONAL F.

Cetrotide 250 is shorter than GONAL F.
But Cetrotide250 is a little more painful than GONAL F......

The last injection, this is used 36 hours before egg pick up.
This injection 's purpose is to promote to the maturity of the eggs.
You don't have to do anything to prepare for this. 

Just pierce it on your stomach!

All injections are pierced on the stomach under the navel, but don't pierce right under your navel.

It's so painful!!

IVF injections and the Long and Short cycle

At our third meeting, I was given some details about some injections and an instruction injection DVD.

These are instructions with a DVD.

The DVD will explain more details.

I became nervous and exited more and more. It was like that before taking an important examination.
It had been decided to do a " Short cycle ICSI ( IVF ) " IVF has some kinds of cycle. I'll explain short cycles and long cycles briefly.
We use the same medicine for Short cycles and Long cycles.

On the Long cycle, we'll start to use injections one month before our period cycle before IVF will take place.
On the Long cycle, we have to take medicine for a long time but it said that we can make good quality eggs.

On the Short cycle, we'll start to use injections on the period cycle month that IVF takes place.
On the Short cycle, we have to take medicine only for a short time and can make many eggs more than with Long cycle, but it said that the quality of eggs is inferior to the Long cycle.

In general speaking, people aged under 37 years old and have good condition ovaries will do the Long cycle.
For those aged over 38 years old and have weaker ovaries will do Short cycle, because we have to take medicine for a long time on Long cycle, it sometime cause the ovaries to stop working all together. However it isn't only these reasons. These are just in general speaking. I was 36 years old at that time, and the doctors consider with my blood test results and some other factors the Short cycle is best.
There are some more types of  IVF, too.

The doctor started to explain about injections.
I had to do injections on my stomach by myself from the 2nd day of my period cycle. I practiced to do an injection with a fake stomach and then the doctor said, " Let's practice on your stomach. "
" Ha?! Now?! " I bent myself back with surprise.
However, I needed some practice indeed, but I was scared.
I turned over my clothes, held an empty injection and pierced it into my stomach. It didn't hurt. I felt easy a little.
The doctor gave me three kinds of injections all in a little cooler bag.

One set for 6 days and then another two different types of one set each.
The first 3 boxes are the injections and the last one on the right is the waste box. The one at the top are the alcohol swabs.

First, I'll start one set of injections for six days and on the 6th day, I have to start another injection as well.
Next day ( on the 7th day ) I have to go to the doctor for blood tests and a scan, then I can have more injections.
The other one set of injection is for 36 hours before taking my eggs. ( To induce ovulation )

" They all have to be kept in the fridge, not in the freezer. " the doctor said.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Taking the pill and the result

One month before I started IVF, I had to take the pill.
The reasons were to make my ovary rest for one cycle and the adjustment of my period term, then the reaction of my ovary will be good. I had to take the pill from the 2nd day of my period for 21 days.
The Pill we do not take the white one.

The back side.

I already got the pill at the 2nd meeting.
I've never taken the pill in my life and I wanted to take the pill 2or 3years ago. Because I heard women who are over 30 years old and still have never given birth before, their ovaries have been working for too long a time without rest and it is a cause of cancer.
Taking the pill makes the ovaries rest and other effects are to reduce pimples, body hair ( except head hair! ) period pain, etc.

" That all sounds good!! " I thought.
I started to take the pill, but after 2~3 days, I started to feel sick after taking it. I felt sick and didn't want to do anything.
" I have to continue to take the pill for another over 2 weeks? Oh, no. I don't want to...... " I thought.

I sort the solution through the internet and I found it!!
At first I took the pill in the morning and started to feel sick around noon, so I changed the time to take the pill in the evening, and then I maybe felt sick while I was sleeping, but I felt fine the next morning!!
According to the internet, changing the time within 12 hours is usually no problem. (except some special cases)
" Oh, Thank God!! "

At first I was too excited to take the pill, so the day that I can start to take it, I couldn't wait so I took it in the morning.
However, according to my friend, the symptoms of taking the pill is the same as the symptoms after becoming pregnant.
" Really? " Uneasiness is never gone.

Incidentally, taking the pill just only for one cycle, made no change to my bodies appearance.

Starting to do ICSI ( IVF )

3 weeks later, we had the second meeting.
We told the doctor that we were keen to do ICSI with my husband's sperm.

We were told that our ICSI will start after my next month's period starts, and we had our photo taken and it was put on our file on the computer.
We'll have more details and will be given some injections at our next meeting.
I thought that I can't wait to start our ICSI ! We had about another 2 weeks to the next meeting. I researched about the process of IVF and I was getting nervous. I have to do injections on my stomach by myself for 12 days and it will be 2 injections.

" Do injections on my stomach BY MYSELF. "

It's scary. I don't want to do it, but I have to...... but that's scary!! 
I was half looking forward to start it and felt half nervous.
However I had no choice to do it and just kept going!

The first meeting at the fertility centre

A month later, we had a meeting with a doctor from the fertility centre. It was the first meeting with a doctor from the fertility centre. She looked at our documents and made sure that we are still keen to do ICSI ( IVF ).

( If you want to know about this fertility centre, click here : )

She explained that we have another way we can do this.
That was asking for someone else's sperm as a donor, because my husband's number is quite low......  

" Ask a sperm donor?? "

" Donor!! "

I have never thought about this before, I've thought about adopting a child before but never about this.

The doctor said that we can think about this until our next meeting.
After the meeting, I asked my husband " What does he think? " He didn't want to use someone else's sperm, because he still have some it even if it is low number.

An idea came into my mind to ask my husband's dad, I thought this would be the same blood line.
I told my husband this idea but he said " The baby is gonna be my brother or sister! not my baby!! "
Yeah, that is right.

A few days later, I talked with my friend about this and she said that if I can wait for another 5 years, I could use her son's......
Hey! I'll bear my friend's grandchild!
What kind of family tree we'll have!!

Anyhow, we decided to do ICSI with my husband's sperm.

Vaginal scan (Ultrasound scan)

God didn't give up on us.
A month and a half later, I could take a scan. " Oh, Thank God! "

I got a letter from them.
With the scan, I imagined it in my head that I lay down on a hospital bed and it is shifted into a big scan machine gradually.
" Oh, it is like medical dramas that I've watched before on TV. I wanted to have a scan before I die and I can have it! "
My husband has had a scan in hospital before and he said all I do is lay down on the bed.
However, my imagination and expectancy were getting bigger. I was looking forward to the day.

On that day, I had to go to the fertility center to have a scan. I was called to a doctor's room which looked like a common doctor's room in a medical center.
I talked with the doctor and he said that he'll start to take a scan so I needed to take off all my lower body's clothes and lay down on the bed.
A nurse started to draw the bed side curtain.

" Ha??? Taking a scan here? How? " I thought.

The nurse explained to me that the scan camera goes into my private parts. It was completely different from my imagination.
" I have to take all my lower body's clothes off...... I don't have to wear a medical gown which a patient usually wears? Ha!? Wait a minute!! I didn't trim my pubic hair at all!! Because I thought I can wear that gown and I don't have to show my parts! Oh my God! What should I do?! " I thought about it in a moment, but there's nothing I can do. I can't say " Doctor, I have not trimmed my pubic hair so can I reschedule for this scan? " and I didn't want to wait any more.

I didn't have any choice to do this and I thought that I should show the doctor a human's natural state.
I took all my lower body's clothes off and laid down on the bed and put a sheet on my lower body.
I watched the doctor's expression but he did it with a poker face. He maybe thought " Oh, God." but he is a professional.

I thought that I showed my natural figure already, so I don't have to trim any more, if I do it, it is odd.
" Oh, that would be easy from next time! Yeh!" I thought.

About vaginal scan : http://www.ivf-infertility.com/infertility/investigations/female/ultrasound.php

The unpredictable earthquake

After a month, we got a letter from them.
We can attend the IVF seminar in March so we had to have a blood test and a womb scan before then.

I felt relief a little and thought that we could start it finally.
I took a blood test on the 21st of February and was meant to have scan on the 24th, but......

The big earthquake hit our city on the 22nd.

Yes, we live in Christchurch. Of course, the scan and the seminar were canceled.
What on earth is it? Is it the sign that I shouldn't or can't have a baby......?

Ha! Excellent!!

I thought when people had gone over the limit, they don't feel sad, they just feel like giving into fate.

Feeling hatred about not getting pregnant

The new year came and went, it was nearly past one year. However, we didn't hear anything from them and the limit of my patience became strained at this time.
The doctor said at the last meeting that my husband's sperm level is very low but not zero. It is a very low possibility but we can still try to have a baby while waiting.

Every month, when I had started my period, I was depressed in the toilet and cried sometimes.
I used pregnancy tester a few times but I've never seen the positive sign. It was really hard for me.
" How many times do I have to repeat this? " I thought.
It was like that I was walking in a dark tunnel which doesn't have an exit.
And I heard about my former boss who I really hated, his wife was having a second baby. The news struck home. " Unfair!! Why? " I felt hatred. I've heard news about somebody having a baby many times, but it was the first time I felt hatred about a baby.
I told my friend about this and she said that " I just hate him, that's all. If anything else good happened to him, I'll still feel hatred. " I see...... That is some truth.

I asked my husband to ask them about what is going on now, and he e-mailed them.
The reply was " Your turn will coming soon. "

Soon? When? Please hurry!

Friday 6 January 2012

Meeting and IVF and ICSI

After a few months, nothing had happened.
My husband took this seriously, finally.
We went to the doctor again and made an appointment.
On the 29th of January 2010, we had an interview with a doctor from the hospital.

The doctor asked us some questions about if I had been married with another man before and had I been pregnant in the past. I thought that for some couples their past secrets would be brought to light here.
The doctor asked us many questions, then asked us to wait for a while and she left the room.

A few minutes later she came back and said, " Your sperm number is very low so you can't have normal IVF. "
I asked the doctor, " I heard the number of sperm will change every month." but she said " Yes, but even if the sperm number is increased, it is still out of the question. The number is very very low."
Oh my God. What had he done in his life? I thought.

She explained to us we have to have another kind of IVF (It's called ICSI).

I'll explain what the difference is between IVF and ICSI briefly.

On IVF, one egg is put in a small container with about 50000 sperm and they let them achieve fertilization naturally.

On ICSI, a doctor chooses some fine sperm and puts them one at a time into the eggs by a sharp injection needle to achieve fertilization.

We were allowed to have ICSI, so the doctor put us on the waiting list.
We had to wait at least 12 months from this day.

" Ahhhh, 12 months....... From today. " I thought.

The result of the test

The result came to us a few days later.
The result was...... I am normal, but my husband has very low numbers of sperm.

" It isn't no sperm, so it isn't 0% chance of a natural pregnancy. " said the doctor.
I was surprised at this result, because I kept thinking I had something wrong.

" You can make an appointment for an IVF investigation meeting at the hospital now, but it doesn't have to be done now. You can still think about it and see what's going on in a few months. " the doctor said.
I was already keen to do IVF but my husband didn't at that time.
He said he wants to wait and see for few months.

So we just waited to see what's going on for a few months.

Taking a urine and sperm test

We went to a medical centre and the doctor said, if I want to take a test, I have to come here again on the third day of my period.
Fortunately, it was the third day of my period by chance!

"Oh, that's easy!" the doctor said.
The doctor handed me a very clear cup and said "I need your urine in this cup, and we need the middle of your urine stream. Just let it go first for a few seconds, hold it and take the middle of it."
Huh? hold it? Can I? I thought, but I said "OK." and went to the toilet.
I managed to take it in the middle of my urine stream but the colour was very red, because I am in my third day.
Suddenly, I realized that on the way to back, I have to go through the place where people are waiting.
It is a very clear cup...... people can see my urine...... my very red urine...... Noooo!
I wrapped it with toilet paper and went back to the doctor's room.
The doctor looked a little surprised, when she saw my urine but she is a professional, she put it away without saying anything.
I recommend that if you go to take the test, wear a tampon!
The doctor handed a very clear cup that is the same as mine to my husband and said she needs some of his sperm in this cup.
This is the cup.

We can see what's inside properly.

She gave a bag to him, but it's very clear zip lock bag. I felt sorry for him, because he has to hand it to the laboratory's reception lady the next morning!

That's must be super ashame!!

 Next morning, he did his task.
Thank you very much, honey!

Starting to think something odd

I thought that my womb had something wrong.
I asked my husband to go to the doctor together, but he was very easy at that time. He was like "Don't be in such a hurry, just wait." There was a huge urgency gap between me and my husband.

Another few months later I turned 35, I became more impatient.
I insisted that my husband go to the doctor with me. "Please, Please!" He accepted my pleading reluctantly.

If you want to know about age and the effect on fertility, click here :

Wanting to have babies

I wanted to have a baby, since I was engaged with my husband in July 2007. I didn't have any knowledge about how to get pregnant, and I thought that I can get pregnant if I just stop doing contraception.
I was an idiot at that time.

I couldn't get pregnant after a few months, I started feeling odd.
I started looking at the internet, and I became impatient. I wondered if I was sterile.

If you want to know about infertility, click here: