Thursday 23 February 2012


About after two weeks since I left hospital, my stomach became small and my weight lost 11kg.
I still have 2kg more than usual and my stomach still felt a little stretched but , it will not disappear until I got the placenta.
It's OK, much better than 2 weeks ago. I can eat as much as I want now.
At around this time, I started bleeding a little. I looked it up on the internet, if it does not look like fresh blood and not a large quantity, just rest at home, don't be too worried.
At that time, my blood didn't look like fresh blood and it was like a half tea spoon. However my blood had become to look like fresh blood and had increased day by day. About a week later, I felt strong pain on my stomach during my sleep. I went to the toilet and it was like that I had started my period.
After the toilet, the toilet stool water became very red. I felt scared. I thought I had miscarried before I knew it and my period has started.

My husband woke up and came to me, then I told this to him, but it had started to snow heavily again.
It was at about 4:30am, I wondered if I can go to the fertility centre tomorrow......? Every time when it is heavy snow, something happens.

The next morning, it was still heavy snow and everything was covered with thick snow outside.
" Is the centre open? " I wondered. My husband phoned the centre and they were open. I felt easy a little and thought the staff in the centre are great workers!
My husband took me there and I took a womb scan. Our baby was still in my womb, it looked like a bean.
We could hear its heart beating as well. The doctor said that this heart beating is very nice and strong, our baby is fine. I felt very easy and I almost cried.

The doctor doesn't know the cause of this bleeding and he said that it will continue for a while.

I thought " Thank God. " and I prayed to God that please stop my bleeding as soon as possible!    

Friday 17 February 2012

A treatment for sensitive skin

Since I got OHSS, my skin has become very sensitive.
My forehead felt always hot and around my eyes felt very hot all the time. The water from shower felt stinging a little and even sun shine rays stung my skin a little.

I couldn't use usual toner and cream because they stung my face skin.
I remember The Body Shop's Aloe toner and cream were very mild on my skin and they are fragrance free. ( Fragrance made me feel sick at that time. )

I tried them and they were very good. They didn't sting the skin on my face and kept a nice amount moisture on my face.
I still using these items.

I recommend especially this toner. It won't sting.

Monday 13 February 2012

Injections again!

Before I left hospital, a nurse handed me an injection for 5 days. I had an injection to prevent thrombosis every afternoon and I had to do this for 5 days at home by myself.

The nurse asked me if I know how to do this.
" I think I know and I can do this. " I answered.

" Ahhh, I have to do an injection again...... I thought it's over. " I thought.
This injection has a thick and long needle and it has oil base liquid medicine, so it was painful. I felt it took a very long time over these 5 days, and I felt a great achievement when I finished the last injection!

However I thought that I never want to do this again.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Leaving hospital

The next day ( the 7th day in the hospital ), I lost 1kg!!
When I weighed myself, I said " Yeh! I lost 1kg! Yeh!! "in a loud voice in spite of myself.

Just before lunch time, a doctor came to me and said that my condition is going well so I can go back home today. I felt uneasy rather than happy, because my stomach was still like a balloon and I still felt poorly.
" Am I really OK to leave? " I thought.

About 10 minutes before I left, my husband's uncle came to see me, of course he didn't know I was leaving. Thank God that he came here before I left, because he brought me some pretty flowers. It would be a pity that when he came here with pretty flowers and nobody was here!

Anyway, I could leave hospital on this day.
Thank you very much to everyone who looked after me in the hospital, my husband, his parents and friends.
I think that I couldn't get over OHSS by myself.
I could get over it thanks to everyone.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Stopping the increase in my weight

The next day, ( the 6th day in the hospital ) my weight stopped increasing.
I was happy but I was still suffering. I had to take anti- biotic tablets from this day, because the water had come up to the level of my lungs and this will cause some disease.
I don't want to get another disease!

The water from the drip made my stomach like a balloon, but if I didn't have a drip, my blood would get thicker and thicker which can cause a very dangerous condition. there is nothing that can cure OHSS yet, so we just have to bear these hardships.......
I could take a walk a little during these days, but it was very slow walking.

I wish that someone can discover a method to cure OHSS in the near future.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Changing my appearance due to OHSS

After 5 days had past in the hospital, I put on a total of 13kg and my stomach looked like a balloon and I got some stretch marks. I asked my husband to buy a cream for stretch marks. I was only in 3 weeks of pregnancy at that time but my stomach looked in the last month of pregnancy already.

However I could eat only a little, so only my stomach looked like a balloon. My face, arms and fingers were getting thinner and thinner. My face had hollows around my eyes and my legs got thicker and swollen.

My figure looked like E.T. " I can be an E.T. role if someone wants. " I thought. " E.T. phone home...." practice it by myself.

" It's suffering and suffering. " I could only feel this all the time. A doctor from the fertility centre came to check on me in the afternoon. She tapped my back and said the water had come up to the level of my lungs, I should better stop having a fluid drip. Then I could be free from the drip.  

My daily routine in the hospital

At about 7:30am, I wake up. I usually hear some people already taking a shower at this time.
At about 7:45am, a lady brings me breakfast. After breakfast, I take a shower.
At about 9:30am, a nurse comes to take 3 tubes of my blood for a sample, ( everyday ) . Another nurse weighs me and measures my abdomen.
At about 10:00am, a lady comes to ask what do I want to eat for lunch. ( I can chose one from 2 menus. )

Then at 12:00pm, it's lunch time.

Around 2:00pm, a lady comes to serve tea or coffee and to ask what do I want to have for tea and the next day's break fast.
At approximately 4:30pm, I had to have an injection to prevent thrombosis.

At 5:30pm, it's tea time.

In the evening at 10:00pm, it's bed time.

A nurse comes to check my temperature and pulse every two hours. This was my ordinary daily routine in hospital.